How to train a rat terrier puppy

How to train a rat terrier puppy?

Are rat terriers hard to train? Is a punching question that is naturally needed to be asked by those who are thinking to adopt the rat terrier puppy. Rat terriers are easy to train if you know that 

how to train your rat terrier then the answer to the question “are rat terriers easy to train” is positive otherwise not.

Let’s have a look at some of your other questions in detail regarding the training of the rat terrier. 

How to potty train a rat terrier puppy?

This is relatively easy to train a dog but this is really very challenging at the same time. This is easy as the dog is really intelligent. Again this is easy as the dog develops a love for its trainer soon. Having a loving relationship with the trainer makes it easy both for the trainer and the dog to develop new behavior easily in terms of the training.

At the same time this is really challenging. The reason is quite simple and the reason is that this breed of the dog only follows the trainer with a strong leadership character. If you don’t have a strong leadership character then the dog will not follow you. So in order for your dog to follow you. You must develop the leadership qualities fest. If the leadership qualities are not developed in you. You will never be able to train the rat terrier. This is the reason we say that that it has been said that this is really easy and challenging at the same time to train the rat terrier

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Characteristics of a rat terrier chihuahua

  • This is not the only name that is used to recognize this breed of the dog. These are also known as Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix, Rat-Chi and  RatChi. 
  • Coat of the dog is Soft. as this dog has short height. This means that the coat is of short stature too and finally as because of the structure of the dog. The dog is also  straight.
  • 7 different colors are found in this breed. These colors are Black, Brown, Tan, Golden, Brindle, White and Cream
  • Toy dog and terrier dog are the classifications where you can place your dogs. 
  • This breed is the result of a crossbreed
  • The average lifespan of this dog is 15 years. Minimum life span observed is of 13 years of the age while the maximum value is around 18 years of the age.
  • The domestic behavior of the breed of the dog is good. So this can easily be adopted as a pet for the family. Due to its friendly nature this is really easy for these to develop a loving relationship with the  children. 
  • These are good with the other pets in the house. But be careful with the small pets. These may be due to their natural instinct of hunter and may not be so good with the small animals.
  • The behavioral intent of these dogs are loving.
  • As far as the intelligence of the dog is concerned this is truly an intelligent dog
  • It does shed. The good news is that not so much. So shedding is not a problem as long as you have developed a habit to brush your dog once in a week.
  • This is hard for these dogs to live in the hard cold climate. Even then there are not the known allergies known for this dog breed. 

How long does it take to potty train a rat terrier puppy?

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Life is pleasant if you know how to spend your life. If you are a dog trainer this is necessary to understand and follow the following steps. 

  1. Look and understand the body language of the dog. Only this way you will be able to know that if our dog really wants to empty the stomach.
  2. The need to go for the stomach empty action of a puppy is entirely different from an adult dog. In the case of an adult dog, they need to go for the potty quite less as compared to the puppies.
  3. The frequent occasions when puppies really want to go for the patties are the one when they get up in the morning, secondly even after the short nap, thirdly after the play time, forth after every meal and sometimes even before the meal, even before when they go to sleep.
  4. Making new habits is a difficult thing. For this you need to eliminate the old habits. This is not an easy task to do, so every time your dog does that you must treat the dog. So that the positive enforcement is done. This will boost the new behavior of the dog. So make this your new habit to treat your dog with the treat every time the dog performed a good task. This will really enhance the speed of learning of your dog. 
  5. The language of the signals is important for the relationship between your relationship between you and your dog. Establish a connection between you and your dogs through the signals. Give the dog a signal that this is the time to go for the potty. This is something that can be done with the help of a bell or a whistle. Send a signal to your dog that this is the time to go for the potty by blowing the whistle or ringing the bell. 
  6. Unless or until your dog is fully trained. Don’t let your dog move freely. The restrictions must be high. So that the dog should not pollute the place. Especially the place where your dog sleeps. If it develops once this bad habit. The dog will not leave this bad habit easily. And this will be a permanent problem for you. So nip the evil in the bud. Don’t let the dog develop this bad habit first

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Final Words
This is always good to be concern about the training of your dog. But to give training to your dog you need to get the training first. Once your training is complete now you can easily train your dog.
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