rat terrier

Rat Terrier Characteristics Lifestyle And More

Rat terrier is a breed of dogs. It has been quite some time that we have continuously received queries and requests from our valuable riddles to write about it. Our editorial board has sorted out some of the most asked queries and questions. And we have requested some of the well known experts to write about it.

This article is entirely based on the curiosity of our valuable readers and its replies. This article covers the following topics sorted out based on the questions received by our valuable readers 


  • what are rat terriers known for
  • what are rat terriers good for
  • are rat terriers intelligent
  • how intelligent are rat terriers
  • are rat terriers easy to potty train
  • rat terrier temperament affectionate
  • what are the traits of a rat terrier
  • decker rat terrier characteristics
  • jack rat terrier characteristics
  • chihuahua rat terrier characteristics
  • what is a jack rat terrier

Let’s look at these questions one by one:

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What are rat terriers known for

These are tough dogs all the small in size but really elegant. The height of the dogs varies between 13 to 18 inches. Naturally, the coat of the dog is small but smooth and shiny and you can find it in various patterns. This means that you can find a variety of colors in the coats.  These are easy to train. Although these are very well known As Hunter dogs but they adopt the domestic environment really very well. Even then this is advised that if you have small pets in your house you should be aware of their hunting instincts. 

Keep away the toys of the small kids from them. They require physical activity so if you have adopted a dog of this breed or you are thinking to adopt a dog of this breed you should be fully aware that a workout may be necessary in the morning or in the evening with your dog on a regular basis. No known medical infections and diseases specific to this breed are found.

What are rat terriers good for

These are really good for hunting. This was the reason that this is actually our national hero. Maybe some of you know that these dogs play a vital role in cleaning the White House from the rats. At that time the president of America praised their role publicly.

These are really easy to be trained but the trainer should be of strong personality. These Are loving creatures and really love their owners. Their friendly nature made them a choice for domestic purposes. These are low maintenance dogs and do not require any special care. Friendly in nature these really love the kids. 

Are rat terriers intelligent?

Yes, these are really intelligent dogs. This is the reason that it is really easy to train them. These are from some of the few dog breeds that are good in hunting as well as these are really good as domestic dogs

how intelligent are rat terriers

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These dogs are filled to make a place in the top 10 intelligent dogs. Even then these are considered intelligent. The problem with this dog is that sometimes they are stubborn. At that time these become annoying animals. It is really difficult to move these dogs away in contrast to their own will.

Yes, these dogs are intelligent enough. This means that you should be more intelligent than this dog to move them according to your own will, otherwise these dogs will certainly create problems for you.

Are rat terriers easy to potty train?


As we have already discussed that these dogs are easy to train. This condition remains true for all types of training. A feature of this breed is that they really want to please the humans around them. This is the reason that these dogs tried to adopt all the things that can be used to please their owners and try to avoid all the things which can create problems between the dogs and the humans around them. It has been observed that these dogs are intelligent enough even to change their energy level from house to house. Yes this is true that these dogs are relatively easy to potty train.

Rat terrier temperament affectionate

The temperament of these dogs is really very friendly. They love the children. Especially if the dog is adopted at a young age. And raised with the children. These living creatures require attention and love from the humans around them. Otherwise, they cannot live happily with their owners.

Their temperament towards the small pets is not so friendly, therefore you should be fully aware of the relationship between your dog and small pets in the house.

what are the traits of a rat terrier

These are known for these four different traits

  • Friendly
  • Fearless
  • Intelligent
  • Stubborn 

Friendly in nature so that you can easily have these in your house. Fearless as it is a hunting dog. Intelligent so it is really easy to train and can understand the situation really very well. Stubborn as sometimes this is really hard to move it away from its demand. 

Decker rat terrier characteristics

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Following are some of the important characteristics of Decker rat Terrier

  • This particular breed was developed by Milton Decker in 1970. 
  • National Rat Terrier Association listed it in 1995
  • This is the mixture of  Smooth Fox Terrier mix dog and Rat Terriers
  • These are hunting dogs with high energy.
  • The color of their eyes are brown or hazel possibly
  • The color of the nose has three different possibilities; it can be either blue, black, or brown.
  • Coat color has five different possibilities. These are white brown grey black and pied.
  • Coat length is more than short but less than medium.
  • Coat density is less than normal but slightly.
  • The coat texture is straight.
  • The court is needed to be pressed at least once a week.
  • The activity level for these dogs is really very high. This requires 60 minutes of activity per day. The walk mileage per week is around 10 miles.
  • This requires at least 3 cups of dog food daily. The daily cost of the food is around 1.20 dollar. If calculated on a monthly basis the cost is around $34 to $45.
  • in the males and females at the age of 6 months, the height will be around 18.5 inches and the weight will be around 24 pounds
  • In the males and females at the age of 12 months, the height will be around 20.5 inches and the weight will be around 31.5 pounds
  • In the males and females at the age of 18 months, the height will be around 20.5 inches and the weight will be around 31.5 pounds

Jack rat terrier characteristics

The origin of the Jack rat terrier can be traced back to England for fox hunting. This can be of any color. 

Some important characteristics of this breed are

  • This is not a Hypoallergenic dog.
  • The weight of the adult Jack rat terrier is 6.4 to 8.2 kg 
  • Life expectancy in Jack rat terrier is 13 to 16 years
  • The Height of the Jack rat terrier is 25 to 30 cm
  • Jack rat terriers are Intelligent
  • Jack rat terriers are Stubborn
  • Jack rat terriers are Fearless
  • Jack rat terriers are Bold
  • Jack rat terriers are Energetic
  • Jack rat terriers are Lively
  • Jack rat terriers are Keen
  • Jack rat terriers are Alert
  • Jack rat terriers are Athletic
  • Jack rat terriers are Active
  • Jack rat terriers are Vocal
  • Jack rat terriers are found in different Colors These colors are Black & White, White & Tan, and Piebald.

Chihuahua rat terrier characteristics

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Here are some of the characteristics of chihuahua rat terriers

  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are attentive
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are charming
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are curious
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are and clean
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are attached to human  family these are living with
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are reserved with outsiders.
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are intelligence 
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are affectionate.
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are friendly.
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are active.
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are playful
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are of small stature
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are protective
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are quick 
  • Chihuahuas rat terriers are good for home protection.

Final Words

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